1. What are the requirements for studying Spanish at the University of Bern?

  • The prerequisites for studying Spanish Language and Literature can be found in our First Semester section, along with other information concerning your first semester in our department.

2. How can I enroll in the program?

3. Why am I not able to register on KSL?

  • Pre-registration with KSL is not obligatory in order to participate in a lecture or seminar, but it is required to take the final examination. Registration for classes is handled through the KSL electronic administration system; you can login using your Campus Account. You will be notified by email once the courses are open for electronic registration.

4. How do I activate my email account?

5. Can I begin my studies in the spring semester?

  • Generally, yes, you can begin the BA or MA program in the spring semester. If you decide to do so, please contact the Head of Department beforehand, so they can discuss with you the courses you are able to take, and under what conditions. However, there is no introductory event in the spring semester.


1. What is Propädeutikum?

  • The Propädeutikum includes the first two semesters of study and consists of mandatory introductory courses, during which students learn the fundamental basics for studying Spanish Language and Literature.

2. Are the Propädeutikum courses obligatory?

  • These courses are mandatory and cannot be waived or replaced by other courses or retakes. If the courses are not passed according to the evaluation scheme provided by the Study Plan (two opportunities for lectures and/or submission of written work), it is possible that you will not be able to continue studying Spanish Language and Literature at the BA level. 

3. Can I take other BA courses before completing the Propädeutikum?

  • During the second semester of the Propädeutikum, it is possible for students to take a maximum of two other BA courses: a lecture and/or a seminar. Prior discussion with the instructors of the courses is required.

1. My courses overlap, what can I do?

  • In case of overlapping courses it is recommended that you give priority to those required for the Major. Thanks to the BeNeFri agreement (and after prior permission from the professors), it is sometimes possible to take courses at the Universities of Fribourg and Neuchâtel.

2. Can the Linguistics/Literature focus be changed midway through the program?

  • In general, yes, but it is likely that you will need to make up some of the courses from the other section.

1. Is it compulsory to have a C1 level of German to start my Spanish studies?


  • In principle, the University requires a C1 level of German for the admission of students. This is due to the fact that most of the study programs are taught in German.
    The courses at the Department of Spanish Language and Literature are taught primarily in Spanish, but the literature required to follow the courses may include texts in German (as well as other foreign languages: French, English). The exams of the Propädeutikum phase are mandatory and cannot be waived or replaced by other courses or retakes. Therefore, a level of German that is sufficient for text comprehension is necessary for a successful beginning of studies and preparation for exams. Furthermore, communication within the university is mainly in German, and this language is also necessary for life in Bern.
    For these reasons, the Institute requires at least a B2 level certificate in German as part of the application dossier for incoming students. This means that all those who provide proof of their level of German (B2) are exempt from the test required by the University (Erlass des Deutschtests).


1. What are the requirements to do an MA?

  • A degree in Spanish Language and Literature or an equivalent subject is required to enroll in our MA program at the University of Bern. In order to finalize your enrollment, you must apply for recognition of your previous studies from the Admissions Office (ZIB: Zulassung, Inmatrikulation und Beratung). Your dossier will then be examined by the appropriate authorities (the department, and the Faculty of Humanities); they will let you know whether you have fulfilled the prerequisites, and can continue your studies at the MA level.
  • Because the MA degree must be combined with a second subject (either as a Minor or Major), international students must also enroll in another field of study, and fulfill the registration prerequisites for that particular department. Please be aware that you might have to complete some additional introductory courses in your second subject if you have not studied it before.

2. Are there scholarships or grants available?

  • All information about scholarships can be found on the University of Bern’s Studienfinanzierung website.

1. Is the stay abroad compulsory?

  • If you come from a Spanish-speaking country or you hold a DELE C1 or C2 you can apply for exemption from the stay abroad. In this case, you need to make up the required ECTS (3 or 6 ECTS) with one or more courses offered by the department. In all other cases the stay abroad is mandatory, and it is also required to obtain a degree from the PH (School of Education).

2. What can I do during my stay abroad?

  • In the Stay Abroad section you will find all the necessary information.

3. How long should my stay abroad last?

  • For Minor students, the stay abroad is at least 3 months; for Majors it is at least 6 months.

4. What are the registration deadlines for the stay abroad?

  • In the Stay Abroad section you will find all information about registration dates.

5. How is the stay abroad validated?

  • In order to validate your stay abroad (working stay or university exchange) you need to submit a  report that meets a series of requirements specified in our program (see “pautas para la presentación del informe”).

1. How long do I have to register for exams and seminar papers?

  • Registration dates can be found in the course program. Pre-registration on KSL is mandatory.

2. How many attempts at passing the exam do I have?

  • Students can take oral/written exams twice (a first exam, and a resit exam), on the dates communicated by the professor. Warning: in order to register for the resit, you must have already registered for the first exam, even if you do not plan to take it (due to absence, illness, overlapping with another exam, etc.). In this case, you will receive a failing grade (1) for the first exam, but you will have the possibility to apply for the resit.
  • In the case of seminar papers, in addition to complying with the attendance expectations (maximum of 2 excused absences), you must submit a final paper on the date set by the professor.

3. Can an exam be postponed?

  • No. If the first date is not convenient for you, you have the right to apply for the resit, provided you have enrolled in KSL for the first exam. In this case, you will receive a failing grade for the first exam.